Minority Engagement

The LIBRE Initiative - Founded in 2011, LIBRE is dedicated to informing the U.S. Hispanic community about the benefits of a constitutionally limited government, property rights, rule of law, sound money supply and free enterprise through a variety of community events, research and policy initiatives that protect our economic freedom.

INSIGHT America is an organization that seeks to empower communities of color with the principles of free enterprise, solutions that work and opportunities for all . As our nation becomes more diverse, we must open up a dialogue about policy solutions to problems within today's minority communities and tomorrow's America.

 CT Black Republicans and Conservatives - C-BRAC engages, educates, recruits and mobilizes community residents to participate in the existing political structures to advance the policies of a balanced two-party system.

Hood Conservatives - HC is a new center-right urban group that empowers those living in the inner city for a better life through core conservative beliefs

Republicans for Black Empowerment - One of the very few black conservative organizations with a strong urban mission statemnt. When conservatives take our message directly to the black community in a manner that is authentic, deliberate, strategic and speaks directly to its concerns, we will take steps toward eliminating misconceptions and capturing a new generation of black conservative voters. Conservatives are well positioned (but have historically lacked the political will, financial commitment and strategic vision) to absolutely own and transform each major issue plaguing black communities today – (i) failed education systems, (ii) failed economic states (neighborhoods) and (iii) a failed family structure

The Black Conservatives Fund is a new political action committee committed to helping to elect black conservatives at every level of government. The fund provides direct contributions in addition to running TV and radio ads, conducting get-out-the vote drives, and funding any other activities our endorsed candidates need.

The Urban Counterculture - An online community of black urban and inner-city conservatives. The group also has a forum. http://forum.the-urban-counterculture.com/. The group even created a policy directive that is designed to help transform depressed, economically gridlocked urban areas into thriving, competitive metropolises.

The Douglas Policy Forum - A project of the he Georgia Black Republican Council, The Douglas Policy Forum seeks to build an organization to foster conservative principles in the black American community. http://gabrc.businesscatalyst.com/about.html

The Georgia Black Republican Council - To provide those in the black American community with a forum to play an influential role in local, state, and national Republican Party activities

Voiceofchid.com - Black Conservative “no-spin” center-right blogger who writes about race and conservatism

The Asian American Republican Committee (AARC) was founded in 1988 by Dr. Priscilla Parameswaran to educate and inform Asian Americans about the ideals, principles, philosophy and purposes of the Republican Party. 

The Texas Asian Republican Assembly was established on June 8,2013 at the second quarterly State Republican Executive Committee as an official auxiliary to the Republican Party of Texas. TARA’s mission is to engage the growing Asian American community and build relationships based on the core values 

Korean American Republican Committee (KARC) works to mobilize the Korean American community to vote and participate in the local, state and federal electoral process.

Asian American Republican Council of California

National Asian Indian Republican Association (NAIRA)

The Republican Indian Committee

Minority Speakers

State Networks - Black Republican

Self-Empowerment Organizations

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